TC-3000 Industrial UPS 3000VA/3000W
High-Temperature Rack Mount Uninterruptible Power Supply for Outdoor & Industrial Applications
TC-3000 UPS can break through the temperature tolerance range of general UPS (0 ~ 40°C) and adapt to the temperature -37 ~ 74°C. TC provides stable power under such harsh conditions. Specially designed for 5G applications the TC-3000 model can withstand extreme temperatures. It is suitable for outdoor observation stations, outdoor base stations, traffic signal centre, and environmental monitoring stations.
TC-3000 has an automatic voltage regulator (AVR) function, which converts the unstable voltage into safe and stable for electronic equipment. It has an LCD screen that displays battery voltage and battery temperature, the system detects battery temperature and automatically adjusts the voltage to increase the battery life. SNMP card is optional and was designed to support high-temperature environments as well.
- Outdoor base stations
- 5G Base Stations backup power
- Environmental monitoring stations
- Traffic signal centers
- Outdoor observation centers
- Solar farms CCTV systems and PV monitoring and control systems