ECI Combines Three High-Efficiency Energy Converters And An Energy Buffer In A Single Module To Provide Polyvalent Power Conversion For Critical Systems At Up To 96% (AC/AC) And 94% (DC/AC & AC/DC) Efficiency.
AC Source
- Wide AC input 150 to 265 Vac
- Active power factor correction
- Full bidirectional converter
- 0 mS transfer time to DC in case of AC input failure
- 94% DC/AC efficiency with double isolation
- DC batteries VRLA, NiCd, Liion Ultracap Fuel cells
- Optional MPPT ( Maximum Power Point Tracking) for direct connection to solar panel

- Pure sine output
- Stabilized +/- 1%
- 0 leading to 0% lagging
- 2kW / 2,5 kVA
- Redundant com bus
- 32 modules in parallel on the same bus
- Short circuit peak 10xIn for 20 mS on ACin
- 3xIn on DC/AC for 20 mS
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MULTIPLE CONVERSION POSSIBILITIESThe ECI technology allows for the set-up of each conversion stage to work in one or two directions depending on the final usage of the product in which it will be integrated:- ACin, DCin and ACout only for inverter type applications
- ACin, DCin/out and ACout for UPS type applications
- ACin/out, DCin/out and ACin/out for multi conversion platform applications
- 94% ISOLATED DC/AC CONVERSIONthe most efficient DC/AC conversion on the market!

ECI Comes With Greater Efficiency, Reduced Footprint And Incredible Modularity While Retaining All The Benefits Of TSI.