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CMP250 XP Power - High Peak Power AC DC Power Supply 500W 2x MOPP Patient Protection

Flexible 500W Peak-Power AC/DC Power Supply for Industrial & Medical (BF) Device Applications

The new CMP250 series of high peak-power AC-DC power supply units have been developed to support a wide range of healthcare, industrial and IT applications. With a highly flexible combination of electrical and thermal characteristics, these power supplies deliver up to 500 Watts of peak power for up to 60 seconds, as well as providing up to 250 Watts of continuous convection-cooled power. This flexibility makes the series ideal for motor applications and other electromechanical loads without the need for fan cooling, removing unwanted audible noise, across a range of applications.

For healthcare applications, the CMP250 series provides input/output (I/O) isolation of 4kVAC targeting a range of equipment such as surgical tools, motorised beds and chairs, use in life support, imaging and blood processing products.

The CMP250 also supports wide a variety of industrial and ITE applications, especially supporting those applications that have requirements for long-duration peak currents to drive equipment such as printers, motors and electromechanical devices.

The supply’s peak-power capability of 500 W significantly reduces cost compared to implementing a power supply that is rated for continuous operation at more than 250 W. Operating over a wide –40°C to +70°C temperature range with no derating until the ambient temperature is above +50°C, the series offers a high typical efficiency of 89% along with a very flat efficiency curve across the entire load range. The efficiency performance means less dissipated heat enabling the convection-cooled design and negating the need for system fan cooling.

Supplied in a low-profile 1U-high chassis and 190 x 102mm footprint and operating from a universal AC range of 80 to 264 VAC, the series is available in three different models, offering outputs of 24, 36 or 48 VDC.

Key features include constant-current overload characteristics to support a wide variety of loads, a 5V standby output rated at 1.5A, present whenever the AC input is applied, and a 12V/0.6A auxiliary output. Signals and controls include remote sense, output inhibit, AC OK/Power Fail signal and the ability to current share up to three units in parallel.

Safety approvals for ITE, industrial and medical applications include IEC/EN/UL60950-1, IEC/U/ENL62368-1, ANSI/AAMI ES60601-1 and IEC/EN60601-1. The series also offers EN55032/11 Class B conducted and Class A radiated emissions. Compliance with Class B radiated is achieved using a simple additional suppression core on the AC input cable to the supply

CMP250 XP Power - High Peak Power AC DC Power Supply 500W 2x MOPP Patient Protection
  • 250 W Convection-cooled Rating
  • 500 W Peak Power
  • IT & Medical Safety (BF) Approvals
  • U Channel 4”x 7.5” Package
  • 80 VAC to 300 VAC Input
  • 5 V/1.5A Standby & 12 V/0.6 A Auxiliary
  • AC OK Signal, Inhibit
  • Current Share
  • 3 Year Warranty
If you require more information on any of our  services or products please use our contact page or call +61 2 7200 9200

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